Chantilly, VA

[General Kearney's Gallant Charge published by John Smith - Courtesy of Wikipedia ]

Date(s): September 1, 1862

Location: Please click on link below for map.

Chantilly, Virginia, United States

Campaign(s): Northern Virginia Campaign [June-September 1862]

Battles in Campaign:



  • Union: Maj. Gen. Philip Kearny and Maj. Gen. Isaac Stevens

  • Confederate: Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson

Principal Forces: Divisions

  • Union:

  • Confederate:


  • Making a wide flank march, Jackson hoped to cut off the Union retreat from Bull Run.

  • On September 1st, beyond Chantilly Plantation on the Little River Turnpike near Ox Hill, Jackson sent his divisions against two Union divisions under Kearny and Stevens.

  • Confederate attacks were stopped by fierce fighting during a severe thunderstorm.

  • Union generals Stevens and Kearny were both killed.

  • Recognizing that his army was still in danger at Fairfax Courthouse, Maj. Gen. Pope ordered the retreat to continue to Washington.

  • With Pope no longer a threat, Lee turned his army west and north to invade Maryland, initiating the Maryland Campaign and the battles of South Mountain and Antietam.

  • Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan assumed command of Union forces around Washington.

Slide Presentation: None [Battlefield Lost Integrity]

Classification2: B


  • Union: 1,300

  • Confederate: 800

Results: Confederate Victory

Battlefield Websites:

  • The Battle of Ox Hill (Chantilly) -

  • Battle of Chantilly - Wikipedia

Recommended Resources:

1 National Park Service summary.

2 Classification:

  • A - having a decisive influence on a campaign and a direct impact on the course of the war

  • B - having a direct and decisive influence on their campaign

  • C - having observable influence on the outcome of a campaign

  • D - having a limited influence on the outcome of their campaign or operation but achieving or affecting important local objectives

3 Casualties are someone killed, injured, wounded, captured or missing.

Revised 07/28/2008